Monthly Membership
99 Monthly
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Hours of student projects
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Fun projects with Roblox, Scratch, Blender, and more
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Quarterly Membership
59.99 every 3 Months -
Unlimited access to all courses
Take online courses anytime
Hours of student projects
Assess your progress with quizzes
Fun projects with Roblox, Scratch, Blender, and more
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Save 4.99 USD monthly
Semi-Annual Membership
89.99 every 6 Months -
Unlimited access to all courses
Take online courses anytime
Hours of student projects
Assess your progress with quizzes
Fun projects with Roblox, Scratch, Blender, and more
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Save 9.99 USD monthly
Annual Membership
50 Monthly
149.99 Annually -
Unlimited access to all courses
Take online courses anytime
Hours of student projects
Assess your progress with quizzes
Fun projects with Roblox, Scratch, Blender, and more
Save money by getting a Membership
Save 12.50 USD monthly
Refund Policy
All our memberships greater than 3-months come with a money back guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with the content offered, you will be fully reimbursed for the unused prorated amount. Please email for your refund requests.